Rroducts /



With Joyent technology, you could handle 10x more visitors compared to other solutions. On benchmark, CPU performance are 2x, and I/O performance are 15x of other operators with similar config.

Details: Benchmark


Totally elastic computing resources. CPU resources could burst up to 4x of original's for traffic spikes. You have total control on your server with root access.

Details: Benchmark


We only purchase top-notch equipments from our vendors. Our SmartMachine also run in caontainer-based virtualization that create extremely secure partitions between tenants in the cloud, preventing unauthorized users or intruders from accessing the kernel root or entering containers where they do not have access privileges.

In 2012, we are proud to be selected as one of the Hong Kong government public cloud services (GPCS) providers.

Details: Our Technology

Real-Time Monitoring

Leveraged on DTrace technology, you could measure latency anywhere in the stack across 70,000 possible metrics. With heat maps and easy-to-use UI, you could pinpoint where the application bottleneck is without interfering on the running application.

Details: DTrace

Instant Deployment

You could instantly deploy additional node, memory, and storage in less than 5 mins. We love simplicity, and hope you too!

24 x 7 Customers Support

We offer technical support around the clock, seven days a week. We offer assistance on design and deployment of your apps on our platform, knowing that your data would also be securely hosted in our datacenters in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shanghai.